Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Return of the Demon Cat

My tuxedo, as seen above, is entering another one of his asshole phases. Not as much as it was when we were living with other people but, he's still pissing me off. He's rediscovered his lungs. He has one hell of a set of lungs on him and he seems to adore hearing his own voice. For some reason, over the past week he's decided later at night that he simply must go into our bedroom (the room with the most echo of course) and howl at the tops of his lungs, nonstop. Not the best sound in the world. I really do not like vocal cats.

I've been upping my workout to an hour a day this past week. 30 minutes of cardio, later in the day 30 minutes of weight training. I know this might be overkill but I am simply not happy with things and, with the way I'm eating I'm thinking an hour might be better. I HAVE lost inches and gone from a size 14 to a size 12, but for some odd reason I've gained 3 pounds in the past 3 months?! What the?! I'm hoping that's just muscle and not fat because people are saying it looks as though I'm loosing weight. I KNOW I've lost weight as my jeans, freshly washed, slip right off my hips now buttoned up. Baggy and very unflattering now. I'm trying not to fixate on the the weight as I'm weight training, muscle weighs more. I don't want to end up looking like a rail thin, fragile flower of a female. When I was just doing cardio, I was loosing 2 pounds a week. Add weight training and I'm loosing inches but the number on the scale is now higher.

I blame girl time!! Bloating and general ickyness. I hate being female.

I should set up a website: Help the fat girl loose weight, donate to her cause!! :P Seriously, I wish I could be on a healthier diet right now. I miss my mostly raw diet, my sushi, but my stupid ass is unemployed. I'm still refusing to resort to ramen and fast food and pizza as staple items. That's how I gained this weight in the first place.

Ok, I've got a million and one things to do today. Never enough hours. Time to turn on some music and focus on the tasks at hand.


Wifey McWifey said...

One of my cats is being an asshole as well. Maybe it is some kind of plot.

Kissed By Fire said...

Maybe! Maybe they're finally planning on taking over the world. ;)