Thursday, February 19, 2009

Make it go away!

I am so sick right now. I woke up this morning with level 8 pain in my knees. It was on par with breaking my ankle. I was literally in tears. I haven't experienced this level of pain for years. I'm spending today taking it easy, off my feet. I can't aggravate my knees any more than they already are or I won't be able to walk for the next week. I really hope this is simply linked to this cold of doom and not a sign that I'm entering another one of my phases where I can't even hold my own weight without crumbling to the ground due to the intense level of pain that settles under my knee caps. Imagine the tip of a knife grinding itself under your knee cap. Now pair that with a deep, near crippling ache and that's what I experience. You know I'm in a lot of pain when I finally complain. I have a very impressive tollerance and rarely if ever whine about pain.

I would seriously give my left tit to find a doctor that could finally give me some answers. The working out and weight training is helping but I have days like today where I'm in so much pain the most I can do is curl up in a hot bath and try my hardest to manage things. Which isn't easy given pain killers don't work on me. 20 years I've dealt with chronic pain that seriously impacts my life, 20 bloody years with no answers. WTH?!

I hate being sick. =( I can't sleep due to freaky body temperatures. One moment I'm so cold I'm shivering and breaking out into a cold sweat, the next I'm burning up. My head hurts, body aches, I've coughed my already sore throat raw, headache. I'd almost say this is more of a flue but the nausea passed after the first day. Still zero appetite. I think I've eaten half a meal in the past 4 days. All I want is lots of liquids, lots of fruit, maybe a slice of bread. Ugh.

I'm going to turn on the Tele, try my hand at the waterfall scarf knitting project again and just try to relax. I really want to make this beret but I don't have the proper needles nor do I have any bulky yarn.