Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's a techonogically Savy Holidays

I'm getting a camera for xmas this year. It's a simple one, point and shoot. It's the Canon Powershot A560. It's the best camera you can get for the price. I LOVE SLR's but I can't afford them right now. I just wanted something I can carry with me whenever I'm out. My current camera is awkward. It's a point and shoot, but it's the size of some of the smaller slr's. I really don't understand the point of having a point and shoot that large. At least with the larger SLR's you've got a lot of freedom to tinker with the settings allowing you to get the shot just right. So, for the time being I'll have my little camera to carry with me. =) It should arrive sometime today. Meaning, more photos!!! =D

I'm also getting a new phone. I'm rather being forced to replace my current one. I've had it for about 9 months, maybe a year and it's crapping out on me. I didn't even get to really abuse it, but the internal speaker no longer works, the light on the key pad is shot as well. Samsung makes some pretty bad phones and they make it impossible to use every day items for media. The usb port AND mini sd cards are all Samsung specific. I think I'll stick with Motorola from now on. The boyfriend got an MP3 player and a car sterio. I know it's not that holiday yet but we've been buying things here and there when given the permission.

Good news on the job hunting front. I got a test project for a major halloween company. They're looking for costume designers. =) Hopefully my work blows them away and they hire me. Right now I'm just doing research to figure out what else is out there.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Ok I have a feeling this will turn to be more like once a week or a few times a week. Today was another argument with my mother regarding my decision to improve my quality of life and try making it to a city where my industry is actually respected. I wasn't exactly in the mood for a clear photo being that I'm depressed, frustrated, hurt, annoyed, etc.

New Take.... on the objects that make up my daily life

Shit hit the fan with my mother a few days ago, removing any desire of taking any mugshots. So, I tried taking a few photos here and there of things my daily life involves. The above is the only one that includes me. I took this before I got into the huge fight with her. I'm trying to involve subjects that describe who I am moreso than just taking pretty pictures. Here.... is the worst set up invented by man kind for any graphic artist to deal with.

I've been taking photos of the food I'm making, the odd fruits Pete and I happen to buy at the grocery store, my projects, etc. I still need to edit them as I've been a bit busy these past few days.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

356 Days- Day 1

356 days is an interesting project taking place on flickr. The goal is to take a self portrait once a day, for 1 full year. This project has caused some really interesting insights for those that have decided to take it on.

So I've decided to give it a go.... I'll only post those that I find interesting, or insightful.

Day 1, celebrated by finally working with my tablet again. I love that thing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Food Porn- Tonno in Tegame (Fresh Tuna Adriatic Style, swordfish replacing tuna)

Tonno in Tegame Marinade

I've been cooking so much recently I figured I'd start taking some photos of my creations. Normally I wouldn't because I don't have a very flexible camera nor do I feel I'm much of a photographer, but I loved the colors in this marinade so I snapped a shot anyway.

Tonight it's Northern Italian Seafood. Tonno in Tegame (Fresh Tuna Adriatic Style, swordfish replacing tuna) and Poveracce con Aceto Balsamico (summer clams with balsamic vinegar). I plan to pair this with Patate al Forno (oven-roasted potatoes) for myself... since we have the supplies for that laying around.

In the fridge I have a whole, organic chicken that I plan to roast. Seems I only like this bird when I'm the one making it. I somehow manage to pack it full of flavor and moisture. I've also got a frozen octopus stashed in my freezer that I still need to figure out what to do with it aside from boiling it in salt water. We also picked up some dough so I can throw together a pizza. I'm thinking a nice white sauce, extra cheese. Italian olives, capers, some onions, tons of roasted garlic, maybe some form of meat. Really whatever we have in the fridge and spice rack that looks good. =)

Saturday, October 13, 2007


It's day 5 of my tension headache. While on the phone with my mother I said it might be my hair, rather thinking out loud. She then asked for a photo of how long it's gotten. I wasn't aware of the length. o_O It's easy to forget when it's always up. That would be to my thighs now. Classic, my goal since I started growing it out. I'll probably continue growing it. I've been growing it out for 9 years now (from a buzz cut), at this point it's just habit. It is annoying at this length though. Other people will sit on it if I'm not careful and that rather hurts. No wonder it's always up.

Now I see why I'm now being asked if I've ever even cut it (which I do, once every 6 months). It is in need of a trim.....

Jesus where did that length come from. It was tail bone last I remember.

Still no work. I had an interview but it turned out to be nonsense. Nothing says waste of time like the person starting off the interview by saying "your resume shows that you're clearly over qualified for this job" and finishing off the portfolio review by telling you in vivid detail how uncreative this job is and how bored I'll be working there. It basically amounted to an office job with occasional Photoshop duties that were nothing more than cutting and pasting. Being that I didn't hear back from them, I clearly didn't get the job. I've gotten a few calls from places in Boston but that's over an hour away without traffic. That's a bit to far for me. I'm ready to hunt down some TA work for art, or fashion design, sewing...... something. Anything to bring in money.

Due to this headache I can't spend much time on the computer so I've been keeping myself busy by starting a new sewing project. I'm starting a new corset. They require very little material and are detailed enough that I won't finish it in 1 day like I do most common fashion items. Typically I focus my energy on corsets and period costumes. I spent most of this week crunching numbers and altering the pattern to fit my corseted measurements. Now I just need to throw together a mock up to test the alterations. It keeps me busy which is needed right now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Long time. Disco Kitties and the east coast?

Man life is crazy when you have no real ties to any location.

First of we may or may not have a new addition to the family. We found this little 2-3 week old kitten left to die in the basement of our apartment complex. She had a brother tuxedo but the poor thing was gone before we could help it. We took her into the vet today for an overall check up. She came out healthy aside from being a bit too thin. Common with kittens left to die. We were given worm medication as well as some stuff for eye goo. And many tips on how to care for her. I've raised baby birds. But never baby kittens. So far it's about the same routine. Feed her every 2 hours, keep her warm and make sure her blood sugar is high. Since she's so young she still needs help with pooping and peeing. Good thing I'm use to dealing with animal ickies. We may keep her depending on how she turns out. If not, we'll hunt for a good home. Hopefully she turns out ok, I wouldn't mind another cat.

Where am I now? Hah, sad how accurate that question could be. I'm in Swansea, MA with plans of finally landing in New York City. We made the drive a few weeks back after spending some time in Colorado with family. Man did I learn a lot there about my parents relationship. That was a serious, startling eye opener. What I thought was an amazing healthy relationship wasn't exactly as perfect as they put on. No ones perfect, I guess.

Not much has really happened aside from yet again another move. The move to the east coast has given me a mild panic attack. I'm much more moody than normal. I will admit I am on edge. The east coast is a whole new world for me. New people, new attitudes (blunt attitudes, which I like but I'm not use to EVERYONE being like that), new atmosphere, new.... CRAZY... weather. I'll need to get a winter wardrobe. I've never had a winter wardrobe aside from vacations to the mountains. I've gone from the land of no weather and heat year round, to the insanity of the east coasts bipolar weather. Wow.

We'll see where the next few months take us. God life has gotten strange.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Monday, May 21, 2007

I'm feeling pretty grateful right now....

My life may be unstable, I don't know where I'm going to be even a month down the line but regardless, I love it. I have certain things in my life that most people may never experience.

I have amazing friends who support me and want to see me happy. Who will tell me if I'm being a fucking idiot, celebrate with me or will be there for me when I need them. I have, hands down, the most amazing man I have ever met that loves me just as deeply as I love him. I have a great family that's there for me when I need them. I have a very active life full of interesting and strange experiences.

I think my approach may deal with my old life. For years I spent my weekends in, never went out or socialized. The highlight of my week was a lousy lunch out to Applebees and maybe a movie if I was lucky. I didn't even step foot in a bar until I was 22. At one point I realized I didn't like that life. I wanted to go out, have fun, dance, socialize, experience new things. I figured, I was young, hell if I'm going to continue living life like this because I know in the future I will regret not getting out and experiencing what else the world has to offer. Making that change required I remove certain damaging individuals from my life and took a leap that terrified me but I never looked back.

Apparently friends in LA have decided that next time Pete and I visit, we're going sky diving. The lucky bastards went not to long ago and plan on making it a regular event. My life is getting quite interesting. ;)

In a few weeks we'll be making the drive to Colorado Springs to see family. We may stay there for a month due to some new circumstances that have popped up, but we shall see. I haven't seen these guys since I was 17. It's a needed visit. I miss them so much. Pete gets to meet Heather, her lil girl, Grandma and Uncle Pat. Part of my fathers side of the family. Once we get to Chicago, we're flying out to MA to see his family.

This is an unexpected turn in my life but I really have no complaints.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A new phase in my life....

I can't seem to stay in one place for very long. Maybe it's my age, but after about 6 months in an apartment I start feeling restless. It's not that I like moving, I HATE moving. I don't know what it is. This move is the biggest. From LA to the City of Trees, Boise, Idaho. I'm very stressed, to say the least.

Right now it's the stressful ordeal of trying to find someone to take over our lease so we don't get smacked with March rent. Know of anyone in Burbank looking for a great 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment? Its really a nice place. About 700 square feet, a walk in closet, floor to ceiling linen closets, a huge bathroom, dark wood throughout. It's a beautiful complex on a great tree lined street. The rent is a steal too, $1095 a month. Around here apartments this size go for $1200 and up. Granted, it isn't perfect. We've got the breath taking view you see to your left (excuse the quality but my digital camera decided a week ago would be the ideal time to die so I'm relying on the crappy phone pictures). This is LA, you can't expect an awe inspiring view... unless you consider a layer of brown smog hovering over the mountains to be awe inspiring.

This situation eats up so much of my time, it's probably a good thing I'm freelance and I work at home. People call up insisting to see the place asap. You clear your schedule and frantically pick up around the apartment, clean out the kitty litter and air the place out due to your smoker of a boyfriend. The time rolls around.... no calls. An hour passes, still nothing. Several hours, no word from the people that had to see the place hours ago. Some individuals will actually show up, about 30 minutes to an hour late. You'll warn them about the condition of the place since you ARE moving and mention you'll have professional cleaners coming in before you leave. They seem perfectly understanding. As they're walking out the door one bitches about the condition of the floor or the very mild smell of cat. Some people will bounce around swearing it's perfect. You'll take them around the complex, introduce them to the manager and give them the application. Will they ever turn the application in?! Will they even call the manager?! Hell no. I swear to Gods in this city the only way you can get progress is by taking people by the hand!! I have a new respect for apartment managers.

We've got until the 15th to get this place rented out. I'm pushing all appointments to Sunday and the week following, when my boyfriend will be home. Inviting random strangers into your apartment is really nerve wracking. I can't leave the door open due to the kitties, nor can I trap the buggers in the bathroom. Not only will the people want to see the place I'm keeping them in, but they'll howl so loudly you'll swear someones raping them with a miniature dildo.

Sunday, the day after our going away party. That day is going to be hell.

Here's to hoping we get this place rented out in time because we simply do not have $1095 just laying around.

Well, I better get back to work. I need to have this print roughed out before 5 so I can get an ok on it. I need the extra money in case we need to pay for March rent. A print on clocks. That's very cruel irony for you.