Thursday, November 15, 2007


Ok I have a feeling this will turn to be more like once a week or a few times a week. Today was another argument with my mother regarding my decision to improve my quality of life and try making it to a city where my industry is actually respected. I wasn't exactly in the mood for a clear photo being that I'm depressed, frustrated, hurt, annoyed, etc.

New Take.... on the objects that make up my daily life

Shit hit the fan with my mother a few days ago, removing any desire of taking any mugshots. So, I tried taking a few photos here and there of things my daily life involves. The above is the only one that includes me. I took this before I got into the huge fight with her. I'm trying to involve subjects that describe who I am moreso than just taking pretty pictures. Here.... is the worst set up invented by man kind for any graphic artist to deal with.

I've been taking photos of the food I'm making, the odd fruits Pete and I happen to buy at the grocery store, my projects, etc. I still need to edit them as I've been a bit busy these past few days.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

356 Days- Day 1

356 days is an interesting project taking place on flickr. The goal is to take a self portrait once a day, for 1 full year. This project has caused some really interesting insights for those that have decided to take it on.

So I've decided to give it a go.... I'll only post those that I find interesting, or insightful.

Day 1, celebrated by finally working with my tablet again. I love that thing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Food Porn- Tonno in Tegame (Fresh Tuna Adriatic Style, swordfish replacing tuna)

Tonno in Tegame Marinade

I've been cooking so much recently I figured I'd start taking some photos of my creations. Normally I wouldn't because I don't have a very flexible camera nor do I feel I'm much of a photographer, but I loved the colors in this marinade so I snapped a shot anyway.

Tonight it's Northern Italian Seafood. Tonno in Tegame (Fresh Tuna Adriatic Style, swordfish replacing tuna) and Poveracce con Aceto Balsamico (summer clams with balsamic vinegar). I plan to pair this with Patate al Forno (oven-roasted potatoes) for myself... since we have the supplies for that laying around.

In the fridge I have a whole, organic chicken that I plan to roast. Seems I only like this bird when I'm the one making it. I somehow manage to pack it full of flavor and moisture. I've also got a frozen octopus stashed in my freezer that I still need to figure out what to do with it aside from boiling it in salt water. We also picked up some dough so I can throw together a pizza. I'm thinking a nice white sauce, extra cheese. Italian olives, capers, some onions, tons of roasted garlic, maybe some form of meat. Really whatever we have in the fridge and spice rack that looks good. =)