Monday, November 1, 2010

Long time!

I know, I know, I keep far too busy.

Someone mentioned I should start up a beer blog soon. Oh that's tempting! I've tried well over 300 beers within the past few years (keeping track during my travel across country in 2006 was near impossible). Honestly, I just started keeping track and I'm nearing 40 within the past 4 months and we've cut back on our beer bar trips due to funds. It would be a fun thing to do on the side. Who knows, if I do the SEO well enough, it might even get me free tickets to things like the Great American Beer Festival! Maybe a cooking + beer blog? :)

I should consider developing a layout, in fact maybe I'll do that tonight. I technically have to develop a layout for my DreamWeaver class (which I'm falling behind on, funny what happens when my classes bore me to tears) plus it would give me experience with WordPress, which is fairly in demand.

I managed to make it out to the Rally to Restore Sanity in Los Angeles this past Saturday. It was my first proper political rally, if you could even call it that. I'm really enjoying forcing myself to go out of my element, to experience new things, new crowds, new people. There's still a part of me that wants to back out last minute due to fear of the unknown. Life has taken such a huge change recently that I've finally realized that the worst thing that can happen is that I simply discover these kinds of events aren't for me. I might be bored. I might get annoyed with the crowd. If I don't like it, I don't have to do it again.

It's pretty empowering, nerve wracking at the same time though, I'll admit.

Back to the Rally. We got there a bit later than planned. There was a very decent turnout. I saw plenty of Redditors gathered in clusters. I was, of course, a bit too shy to say hello as I'm not that active on that community. I lurk more often than not. After the live feed, a zombie flash mob took over things for a few moments. It made me realize how much I adore living in larger cities. I may gripe about Los Angeles, but having traveled, I know that it's a better choice than living in a small town. There were plenty of people with nonsensical signs. Thankfully everyone seemed very calm and respectful, a major goal for the rally to begin with. They kept the alcohol and weed at home, everyone seemed to clean up after themselves and regardless of varying opinions on some matters, people kept the arguments and rude words to themselves.

The attendance at the DC rally blew me away. The final estimate is around 250K. I'd say the rally was without a doubt a success and in my own oh so humble opinion, an example of a proper grassroots movement. Not the utter nonsense that is so associated with the Tea Party movement! I've been wearing my "Yes on 19!" sticker that I got from one of the attendees since. I just wish it was a pin so I could stick it on my backpack. I kind of regret not purchasing a few of the silly pins that were being sold there.

I wasn't able to get any photos since the boyfriend used my camera last and forgot to turn it off, I realized the morning of that my batteries were dead.

Tomorrow is elections day! Whatever you decide to vote on, get off your lazy butts and vote! It's one thing complaining about the state of affairs, it's another thing entirely doing something about it.