Saturday, March 15, 2008

Broken Update

The thick black line is exactly where the break is. I also found the illustration to be rather neat. Turns out it IS a break. A very long break caused by one twisting their ankle. I was very impressed with the clinic I went to (a low cost one in Sherman Oaks). The doctors were very kind and pestered me about the skin problems I have. They also answered my questions about my life long knee problems. At the least, I believe I may have found the next doctor to go to regarding my life long quest of getting some answers about my chronic knee pain. The man that put the cast on had some very interesting questions regarding that and a take that I've never encountered yet.

This issue is sapping me of all of my energy. I've been sleeping 15+ hours a day and I still feel exhausted. It's rather like getting over a very bad cold.

It's been a full week since the break and I still can't walk. It hurts far too much. My foot is black and blue and swollen now and at the end of the day the ball of my foot hurts so badly I actually need to reach for pain killers. I'm keeping it elevated all of today to see if this solves that problem....

Which means I should get off this computer since I've exhausted my work hunt for the day. Bummer....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm freaking brilliant....

While visiting with a friend a few days back, I managed to step wrong and, as it turns out, I fractured my fibula. I was hoping it was simply a very bad sprain but as the pain levels caused me to spend most of yesterday passed out or vomiting and I realized this morning they are only getting worse, I decided to go into the doctors. The x-rays showed a fractured Fibula above the ankle that's very close to being broken clean through. Awesome. That kind of thing takes some serious talent. :(

I'm going in for the cast in a few. Ugh. 6-8 weeks of crutches. Great. I really hate those things and my bad knee is already telling me how angry it is over this new set up.