Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A new phase in my life....

I can't seem to stay in one place for very long. Maybe it's my age, but after about 6 months in an apartment I start feeling restless. It's not that I like moving, I HATE moving. I don't know what it is. This move is the biggest. From LA to the City of Trees, Boise, Idaho. I'm very stressed, to say the least.

Right now it's the stressful ordeal of trying to find someone to take over our lease so we don't get smacked with March rent. Know of anyone in Burbank looking for a great 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment? Its really a nice place. About 700 square feet, a walk in closet, floor to ceiling linen closets, a huge bathroom, dark wood throughout. It's a beautiful complex on a great tree lined street. The rent is a steal too, $1095 a month. Around here apartments this size go for $1200 and up. Granted, it isn't perfect. We've got the breath taking view you see to your left (excuse the quality but my digital camera decided a week ago would be the ideal time to die so I'm relying on the crappy phone pictures). This is LA, you can't expect an awe inspiring view... unless you consider a layer of brown smog hovering over the mountains to be awe inspiring.

This situation eats up so much of my time, it's probably a good thing I'm freelance and I work at home. People call up insisting to see the place asap. You clear your schedule and frantically pick up around the apartment, clean out the kitty litter and air the place out due to your smoker of a boyfriend. The time rolls around.... no calls. An hour passes, still nothing. Several hours, no word from the people that had to see the place hours ago. Some individuals will actually show up, about 30 minutes to an hour late. You'll warn them about the condition of the place since you ARE moving and mention you'll have professional cleaners coming in before you leave. They seem perfectly understanding. As they're walking out the door one bitches about the condition of the floor or the very mild smell of cat. Some people will bounce around swearing it's perfect. You'll take them around the complex, introduce them to the manager and give them the application. Will they ever turn the application in?! Will they even call the manager?! Hell no. I swear to Gods in this city the only way you can get progress is by taking people by the hand!! I have a new respect for apartment managers.

We've got until the 15th to get this place rented out. I'm pushing all appointments to Sunday and the week following, when my boyfriend will be home. Inviting random strangers into your apartment is really nerve wracking. I can't leave the door open due to the kitties, nor can I trap the buggers in the bathroom. Not only will the people want to see the place I'm keeping them in, but they'll howl so loudly you'll swear someones raping them with a miniature dildo.

Sunday, the day after our going away party. That day is going to be hell.

Here's to hoping we get this place rented out in time because we simply do not have $1095 just laying around.

Well, I better get back to work. I need to have this print roughed out before 5 so I can get an ok on it. I need the extra money in case we need to pay for March rent. A print on clocks. That's very cruel irony for you.